Scotland are easy target once you get the province across the strait. When you are halfway done, revoke your guarantee of Scotland. Vassal feed them and claim all of Ireland. You will need a vassal in ireland either way.

You can either release Meath as subject and let them get claims or get a claim yourself. They usually don’t ally anyone big, so subsequent wars are mostly a formality. Once you take over irish minors and scotland, england should be easy. This strategy gives you a province in the British Isles and a province in North Africa increasing your war targets.

Because you are going to take Ceuta from them to get a foothold in north africa where you can open another war front. It’s important that Portugal joins this war. Castile should help you out here and will take care of Portugal. Siege down all their provinces on Europe mainland. When the truce expires, attack them again with reconquest CB. Then take Labourd, Aquitaine, Calais and Pale from England. This war is easy, as your allies will help you out. Wait for the Surrender of Maine event to fire which happens fairly early game. But I don’t recommend it as you are the attacker and you won’t be able to call in your allies that early. There’s a strategy where you attack England with reconquest CB, before the surrender of Maine event. You can consider restarting until papal state isn’t hostile too, as excommunication sucks big time. Some games Papal state starts as hostile towards France and excommunicates you.