1 Weapons 2 Guns 2.1 Pistols 2.2 Rifles 2.3 SMGs 2.4 Shotguns 2.5 Heavy weapons 3 Energy Weapons 3.1 Energy pistols 3.2 Energy rifles 3.3 Energy heavy weapons 4 Explosives 4.1 Projectile 4.2 Thrown 4.3 Placed 5 Melee 5.1 Bladed 5.2 Blunt 5.3 Thrown 6 Unarmed 6.1 Bladed 6.2 Blunt 7 Other 8 Non-player character weapons 8.1 … 10 It's unknown which of the other two is actually the Multiplas Rifle, or some other plasma … The multiplas rifle (a portmanteau of "multiple" and "plasma") is based on the urban plasma rifle design. 4 I currently have both of them, and they both use the same type of ammo so i'd rather sell one of them. 3 Plasma rifles or plasma casters are high tech weapons firing superheated bolts of plasma, powered by either microfusion cells or heavy energy cells, which find numerous applications in military and industrial fields.